Translation, Transcription, Adaptation & More

Arabic Translation Services

We are highly specialized in delivering high-quality, accurate translations from English-to-Arabic and Spanish-to-Arabic. We draw from decades of experience to ensure that your project is completed to your standards. 



Bestselling Service!

Our three-phase approach to translation makes sure that the job is done right the first time. Your English to Arabic or Spanish to Arabic project will go through the following steps: 

  •  In order to accurately adapt your texts, we need to know the text’s audience and its intended purpose. This ensures that the translation is not only accurate, but also culturally correct and in the correct dialect.
  • We can work with a variety of different document formats, including Microsoft Word, .PDF files and much more. We also work hard to ensure that your translation is compatible with the latests ISO 9001:2008 formats.
  • Translations are proofed for accuracy, grammatical consistency and cultural competency before being delivered right into your inbox.


& Editing

We realize that some companies have worked with other translators in the past only to find errors in the translated texts. Our Proofreading and Editing services are perfect for instances in which customers complain of inaccurate translations or just the peace of mind in knowing that the translation is correct.



Have an Arabic audio or video file, like a conference or webinar from which you’d like a text transcript? We’re able to provide expert, fast Arabic transcription services and support most major Arabic dialects.

Not an Arabic speaker? No problem. We can convert your transcript into an English or Spanish translation.

We realize that some of our customers have specific needs. Our customized Enterprise Services ensure that you get just what you need without what you don’t.

Some of our Enterprise Services include: 

Hire a Freelance Arabic Translator

Get access to your own dedicated English to Arabic translator or Spanish to Arabic Translator. As a dedicated resource, your translator will be available on-demand for whatever your organization requires.


Hire an Arabic Language Consultant

Already have some Arabic speakers on staff that need some extra training? Hie an Arabic Language consultant to help refine writing skills, cultural consistency, creativity and more.

Arabic Adaptation Consulting

The Arabic speaking world is a wide one. Ensure that your copy is customized to communicate with your targeted cultural group with Arabic Language Adaption Consulting. We’ll work with your team to help you create a strong, accurate international image with different national contexts. By helping brands customize their messages to speak not only to Arabic audiences but also to specific demographics throughout the Arabic world, we build bridges that will last a lifetime. Well-crafted translations can establish a foundation of trust that not only serves to attract and retain customers, but turn them into enthusiastic brand advocates too.

Request More Information

For questions about our services or to request a free quote on your next
project, please complete the form below.
Need immediate assistance? Call us here: +34 937 420 954

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3 + 5 =

eArabic Translations

English-to-Arabic and Spanish-to-Arabic language services. Featuring translation, localization and more

Our Address

Avenida Meridiana 414
Entra. 2A
08030 Barcelona, Spain

Contact Information

+34 937 420 954
+34 680 437 418